König + Neurath at Swissbau

König + Neurath at Swissbau

The latest workplace environments and lighting solutions are on show

January 2018 - The leading international provider of office furniture and room solutions, König + Neurath AG from Karben near Frankfurt/Main, has joined forces with designer lighting manufacturer Artemide, a company well-known for its architectural lighting solutions and innovative illumination systems, to exhibit at Swissbau from 16th to 20th January. Switzerland's leading trade fair has the motto "Collaboration – All together or everyone for themselves?"

The working environment is undergoing change across the board – in terms of technology as well as structure. The classic office workstation is becoming less important, while teamwork and agile working are on the increase. Digitisation has also made it possible to work independently of geographical boundaries. This development means that companies are faced with new challenges. König + Neurath sees this transformation as an opportunity to support companies through the change process by providing differentiating style collections, aesthetically appealing furniture and digital solutions

König + Neurath is showcasing smart tools as well as future-proof integrated furniture solutions for modular and flexible use. Their design allows them to be adapted quickly to suit different working methods and furnishing requirements. For example one highly versatile furnishing concept is NET.WORK.PLACE Organic, which brings variety to the design of working lounges, bistros, informal meeting points and creative zones, as well as reception areas with a welcoming feel. It can be combined with the LIFE.S table and conference programme to create working environments in which people enjoy spending time.

The K+N SMART.OFFICE system rounds off König +Neurath's integrated product portfolio with a technology-based response to changing work culture. The system supports organisation and process control in the office: it allows fast location of colleagues, free workstations and meeting rooms, and you can also use it to book resources. K+N SMART.OFFICE helps analyse usage patterns to provide a basis for quick decisions, ensuring ongoing improvement of room reservations and work processes, as well as efficient use of space.

Various lighting solutions made by Italian manufacturer Artemide have been incorporated into the integrated concept showcased at Swissbau 2018. The company designs bespoke lighting systems for applications including modern office environments. The focus is on people, as defined in their philosophy: "Human and Responsible Light". The fact is, light quality and atmosphere have a huge influence on concentration, productivity, wellbeing and health. For this reason, good workstation illumination is flexible – geared towards providing people with optimum support for all activities. One of the products Artemide is exhibiting in Basel, for example, is the EGGBOARD LED pendant light from its "THE ACOUSTIC LIGHT" range, which can be used to achieve a soundproofing effect: as well as reducing noise, it offers exceptional lighting comfort for single and double workstations.

You can experience multi-territorial workplace environments and lighting concepts in Hall 2, Stand G 31!